Thursday, December 20, 2012

I Have a Dream Speech...

      Shots fired, six and seven year olds killed, families devastated and a town destroyed, is this what we should begin to think about when we hear the word school? Recently, there has been a tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School located in Newtown, Connecticut. A man got a hold of his mother’s gun and shot his mother along with 20 six and seven year old children plus six heroic teachers. I have a dream that from this tragedy we can try to contain violence that targets innocent people. I believe, if we make it harder for ordinary people to get a gun, then we would be at a great starting point. It should be that no one other than enlisted army men can have fully automatic guns; ordinary people should only have access to single shot guns. If we made security a little bit tighter at public places then that may be our next step forward. Adding panic buttons, metal detectors, and even bulletproof glass at the front entrances to schools may be beneficial as well. Perhaps with these small changes we can make a big difference. No school, no community, and more importantly, no family should ever have to face what went on at Sandy Hook Elementary School ever again. So join me in the fight against violence that targets innocent people and together we can make a difference.            

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